(00) 31 24 37 30 654|info@vca-talen.nl

Health and safety checklist – self-assessment for small businesses

Legal obligation of inventory and risk assessment- Health and safety checklist When running the business in the Netherlands, the employer is obliged to ensure the safety and health of employees in all aspects related to work.  The legal basis for the need for inventory and risk assessment (performing health and safety checklist) is described [...]

2019-09-13T10:35:46+02:00September 4th, 2019|Tools, VCA - Training and exams|

Online tools for Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E)

According to Dutch law, every company that employs workers is obliged to perform a risk analysis regarding potential health risks and to draw up an action plan aimed at eliminating those. However, these risks vary depending on the company profile. The Steunpunt RI&E came up with an instrument for the Dutch labor market helping [...]

2019-09-13T10:31:26+02:00August 20th, 2019|News, Tools, VCA - Training and exams|

VOL VCA Mock exam available of our website

We are happy to inform, that on our website two new mock exams can found  - VOL VCA mock exam in Dutch and English.  For whom  VOL VCA? We encourage everyone to do the free exam and test their knowledge. This test should help to get familiar with: type of questions topics covered  in exam [...]

2019-09-13T10:13:01+02:00June 26th, 2019|News, Tools, VCA - Training and exams|
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