VCA Basis and VOL in your language?
Multilingual Courses – Basis vs VOL Are you looking to prepare for the VCA exam? An online platform is an excellent choice. With VCAEDU, you have access to courses in all official languages. Great, the VCA Basis course and tests are available in your language, but what about VOL VCA? The range of VCA Basis [...]
Digital Diplomas and passes VCA and SOG
Since January 2023, every successfully passed VCA and SOG exam will be communicated online and you will receive the result of the exam digitally. You will also receive the diploma and accompanying pass digitally. Thanks to this, you will have the VCA pass in your phone! From 2023, paper diplomas and associated cards will no [...]
New – VCA courses with audio version
The VCA EDU platform offers VCA courses and mock tests in many languages. From now on you can listen to the courses in English - VOL and Basis VCA. Moreover, access to recordings is included in the course price. VCA courses on the VCA EDU platform in the audio version The courses available on the [...]
VCA – online course for groups
Each member of your team should have a valid VCA diploma. At VCA Talen, we regularly conduct courses for individuals, but also groups submitted by employers or employment agencies. Learning from the experience gained over the years, we can say that one of the important elements of VCA training is the possibility of organizing it [...]
VOL VCA e-learning course
VCA - Veiligheids- en milieu Checklist Aannemers 0- Safety Certificate for Contractors (SCC). In industries such as petro (chemical), construction, metallurgy and other engineering works, employees and their supervisors should have a valid VCA diploma. Depending on the tasks and responsibilities, the employee must obtain a different level of VCA - starting from Basis, by [...]
VCA-TALEN – precautions taken in connection with the occurrence of coronavirus
Due to the presence of a coronavirus in the Netherlands, we have introduced a number of additional rules and preventative measures during VCA courses and exams. Preventive action introduced before VCA courses and exams We want to inform you about the following preventive actions taken in the premises where the VCA exams and courses take [...]