From October 2019 our offer has been expanded with Dutch language courses. These courses are intended for both people who start their education and for those who want to improve their skills in correctly applying the rules of grammar, pronunciation and correspondence. For those who speak Dutch but still have difficulties, we offer a conversation course. This course is a training of correct pronunciation and correct use of language forms that are difficult for foreigners, sayings, etc.
Depending on the number of candidates, we assume the possibility of creating groups at levels A0-A1, A1-A2, A2-B1, as well as a group of advanced people who train free communication in Dutch.
Evaluation of language skills
Those interested in the course are invited for an intake interview – free information meeting. The conversation with our teacher is to help interested determine the level of language proficiency at which they should start or continue their education. It is important for us to know the motivations to learn of future students. Moreover, during the meeting we will try to assess the individual goal that motivates students, as well as the way to realistically assess its implementation. Of course, learning at every level meets the formal requirements for knowledge at this level. Individual motivation, such as mastering and training a specific vocabulary, or understanding general sentences can be individual for each person and will be included in the course program.
Upcoming date of the course
29 October 2019
Place: VCA Talen, Veraartlaan 8, 2288 GM, Rijswijk
Date: 29.10.2019 Time: 19:00 - 21:30